In partnership with

Kitesurf Masters Fehmarn

Wulfen offers super flat water and great conditions

  • Fehmarn, Germany
  • 05. - 12.06.2016
  • Compete
Unfortunately we could not run the freestyle competition because of light wind. But all freestyle competitors went to the cable park to get some time on the water. We showed some good action at the WaWaCo cable park close to Fehmarn. On the last day we spent the day on a SUP.. All in all, no results for us but a great opportunity to chill and ride with friends.
" Let's hope for some wind for the next comp ;)
  • 5 Locations
  • 7 Projects
  • 5 Activities
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Sabrina Lutz

Sabrina Lutz


  • 6 Locations
  • 8 Projects
  • 6 Activities


